National Geographic online energy stories 2010-14

National Geographic’s Great Energy Challenge News

This is a fairly complete list of about 400 stories I assigned or wrote as senior editor in charge of energy news for National Geographic’s Great Energy Challenge initiative, 2010-2014.  My job was to write or assign an average of two news or feature stories weekly that reflect an international look at the challenge of providing energy while protecting the planet.




Plenty of Gas, But No Simple Solution for U.S. Energy Challenge 3/16/10
To Capture Lost Power, Super Solution Sought 3/19/10
Turning River Current into Electricity 3/22/10
Texas Pioneers Energy Storage in Giant Battery 3/25/10
Solar Energy Brings Light to Quake-Darkened Haiti 3/31/10
Frozen Fish Help Reel in Wind Power 4/2/10
Offshore Energy Clash over Undersea Sound 4/7/10
Google Searches for the Key to Energy Savings 4/9/10
Mine Tragedy Amid Push to Produce More 4/15/10
First Green Supersonic Jet to Launch 4/20/10
Explosion Shows Risks in Key Oil Frontier 4/22/10
Oil Spill Fears Subside at Rig Site

Oil Spill From Sunken Rig Site May Be Serious



Oil Slick May Be Burned To Stop U.S. Rig Spill 4/27/10
First U.S. Offshore Wind Power Project Approved 4/28/10
Gulf Oil Spiill Fight Turns to Chemicals 4/30/10
Oil Spill Hits Gulf Habitats 4/30/10
Saving Fuel on the Farm by Making Hay 5/3/10
Colorado Seeks a Renewable Energy Peak 5/5/10
Building a Better Car Engine 5/12/10
Berlin Rallies for a Tricky Oil Alternative 5/12/10
Nuclear Energy Grapples With Costs 5/20/10
To Keep Power On, Pakistan Turns Lights Off 5/21/10
Oil Spill Poses Risks To Power Plants 5/27/10
Gulf Oil Spill Worst in History 5/27/10
Turning Up Savings By Dimming Lights 6/4/10
Trucks Drive Toward Electric Power 6/6/10
Ecuador Puts a Price on Untapped Oil 6/10/10
Afghanistan’s Lithium Wealth Could Prove Elusive 6/16/10
At Gulf Spill Forum, a Call for Solutions 6/29/10
Putting a (Smiley) Face on Energy Savings 7/15/10
Ethanol Future Looking for Fuel 7/21/10
Alaska Habitat Spared from Oil Development 7/28/10
How Prospects Cooled for Global Warming Bill 7/31/10
Seeking to Cool Air Conditioning Costs 8/12/10
Lighting a Fire Under Clean Coal 8/13/10
A Fuel That Doesn’t Go To Waste 8/16/10
People Go Green (If It’s Easy) 8/18/10
Renewable Power Caught in Washington Energy Gridlock 8/19/10
Tapping Into the Electric Power of Heat 8/23/10
After Katrina, A Solar Restart 8/26/10
Can Nuclear Waste Spark an Energy Solution? 8/31/10
Mining the Truth on Coal Supplies 9/8/10
Warming Solution: Just Stop Cold? 9/9/10
Hope for Stemming Wind Energy’s Toll on Bats
Light is the Bright IDEA for Transport
The Solvable Problem of Energy Poverty
Renewable Energy: Ontario’s Gold Rush
Replacing Oil Addiction with Metals Dependence
Photos: “Spirit Bear” Habitat at Risk 10/7/10
Beating Obama to the Solar Punch 10/7/10
A Push for Offshore Wind 10/13/10
Shale_Natural Gas Stirs Hope and Fear in Pennsylvania Shale 10/13/10
Shale_The Science of Shale Gas
Shale_A Drive for New Jobs Through Energy
Shale_A Dream Dashed by the Rush on Gas
Shale_Parks, Forests Eyed for Fuel Beneath
Shale overview photo gallery
Shale technology photo gallery
Shale economic photo gallery
Shale environmental photo gallery
Faces of the Shale Rush Gallery
A U.S. Cap-And_Trade Program To End 11/3/10
Shining a Light on the Cost of Solar 11/5/10
Has the World Passed Peak Oil? 11/9/10
Photos: Electric Cars Hit the Road 11/10/10
Cheap Renewable Power Key to BMW’s Electric Megacity 11/18/10
Brazil Ethanol Looks to Sweeten More Gas Tanks 11/18/10
Fighting Poverty Can Save Energy 11/25/10
Climate Talks Hinge on Green Growth, DeBoer Says 11/26/10
U.S. Weighs Disclosure Rules for Natural Gas Drillers 12/1/10
Amazon Opportunity: Don’t Count on Brazil Carbon Market 12/3/10
New Chemistry, Less Energy Could Yield Greener Cement’ 12/9/10
Bolivia’s Energy Bid 12/10/10
Pictures: Seven Supergreen U.S. Government Buildings 12/14/10
New Oil–And a Huge Challenge–For Ghana 12/15/10
Green Design Spree Aims to Cut U.S. Government Energy Bill 12/23/10
Fat’s Chance as Renewable Diesel Fuel 12/22/10
Can Geothermal Energy Pick Up Real Steam? 12/28/10
National Snow and Ice Data Center Gets a Cool Makeover 12/27/10
On China’s Roads (and Rails), a Move to Greener Transport 1/5/11




On China’s Roads (and Rails) a Move to Greener Transport 1/5/2011
In China’s Icy North, Outfitting Buildings to Save Energy 1/7/2011
The Next Oil Spill: Five Needed Mandates to Heat it Off 1/11/2011
Going “All The Way” With Renewable Energy
Tough Road to Getting Efficient LEDs on the Streets 1/20/2011
Guangzhou Wins Sustainable Transport Prize
With a Deep Dig into Its Past, Perugia Built an Energy-Saving Future 1/26/2011
Oil Markets Churn Over Egypt’s Potential as a Gateway for Revolt 2/1/2011
Pictures: Kickoff Time For Green Stadiums 2/4/2011
Protecting Health and the Planet With Clean Cookstoves
Upgrading the Electric Grid With Flywheels, and Air 2/11/2011
New Brunswick Seeks Natural Gas, and a Safer Way 2/11/2011
Oil States: Are they Stable? Why It Matters. 3/9/2011
Crude Reality: Oil Prices Rocket Because They Can 3/10/2011
Range Anxiety: Fact or Fiction 3/10/2011
Japan Battles to Avert Nuclear Power Disaster 3/13/2011
Would a New nuclear Plant Fare Better than Fukushima? 3/15/2011
Photos: Scotland’s Water Power 3/18/2011
Photos: Japan’s Reactors Before and After 3/18/2011
Photos: Rare Look Inside Fukushima Daiichi 3/23/2011
Photos: Top Nuclear Nations Earthquake Risk 3/29/2011
Photos: Oil-Reliant Islands Seek Green Energy Restart 4/5/2011
Pictures: High School ShopGirls Design for the Prize 4/6/2011
All-Girls Team Seeks Record in High-Mileage Marathon 4/6/2011
Is Armenia’s Nuclear Plant the World’s Most Dangerous? 4/12/2011
Breaking 2,500 MPG, Canadian Team Wins High Efficiency Race 4/18/2011
Pictures: Racing to the Finish at the Shell Eco-Marathon 4/18/2011
Odd Deformities Linked to Fish 4/20/2011
6 Gulf Oil Spill Surprises 4/20/2011
Gulf Spill Oil: A Year On 4/20/2011
The Next Prospects: Four New Offshore Drilling Frontiers 4/18/2011
Photos: Oiled Beaches Timeline 4/20/2011
Gulf Beaches Mostly Oil Free 4/20/2011
Gulf Spill Photos: Hard Hit Animals 4/20/2011
Pictures: Four New Offshore Drilling Frontiers 4/20/2011
Drexel Students Take On Solar Car Challenge
Migrating Birds Escaped Oil 4/20/2011
Gulf Residents Sick From Spill 4/20/2011
Zoomable Maps: Oiled Gulf Beaches 4/20/2011
Is Gulf Oil on the Seafloor? 4/20/2011
Gulf Oil Plumes Explained 4/20/2011
BP Well Sealed For Good 4/18/2011
China’s Electric Car Drive: Impressive, But Not Enough 4/20/2011
Pictures: Building the Perfect Solar Car 4/22/2011
Pictures: Animals Inherit Mixed Legacy At Chernobyl 4/26/2011
Pictures: Liquidators Endured Chernobyl 25 Years Ago 4/26/2011
Pictures: Cool Cars Designed by Students to Sip Fuel 4/29/2011
While BP Eyes Return to Gulf, Safeguards Debated 4/29/2011
While Energy Policy Falters, Plastic Bag Laws Multiply 5/3/2011
Methane On Tap: Study Links Pollution to Gas Drilling
As Vehicle Efficiency Evolves, So Do Fuel Taxes 5/12/2011
Climate Scientist Worries He Made It Seem Too Easy 5/17/2011
As Jet Prices Soar, A Green Option Nears The Runway 5/20/2011
Driving the Limit: Wealthy Nations Maxed Out On Travel? 5/25/2011
Is Motor Oil a Renewable Resource? Re-Refiners Say Yes
Bike Share Schemes Shift Into High Gear
At Five Years Old, BTC Pipeline Moves Oil, Culture 6/8/2011
Google’s Solar Energy Gambit 6/14/2011
A Rain Forest Advocate Taps the Energy of the Sugar Palm 6/23/2011
Energy-Short Japan Eyes Renewable Future, Savings Now 7/7/2011
To Curb Driving, Cities Cut Down on Parking 7/13/2011
War Game Exposes Grim Reality: No Easy Oil Crisis Options 7/14/2011
Ten Oldest U.S. Nuclear Plants–Post-Japan Risks 7/20/2011
India Maps Out a Nuclear Power Future, Amid Opposition 7/22/2011
Pictures: In Search of Green Air-Conditioning 8/3/2011
As Sun Storms Ramp Up, Electric Grid Braces for Impact 8/3/2011
Philips Wins L Prize, but the Race Is Still on for a Better Bulb 8/3/2011
Out of Thin Air: Hopes for Capturing Carbon Dioxide 8/11/2011
Carbon Recycling: Mining the Air for Fuel 8/11/2011
Seeking a Safer Future for Electricity’s Coal Ash Waste 8/15/2011
A Quest to Clean Up Canada’s Oil Sands Carbon 8/18/2011
Is Canadian Oil Bound for China Via Pipeline to Texas? 8/19/2011
Innu Nation Deal Trades Reparation for River Power 8/24/2011
Photos: The Energy Drain of Recreational Drugs 8/29/2011
Picking Natural Gas For the Long Haul 9/2/2011
Smart Meters Take a Bite Out of Electricity Theft 9/13/2011
Pictures: The NFL Makes a Play for Renewable Energy 9/15/2011
Pictures: Solar Decathlon Students Race to Renew Home Energy 9/27/2011
Shale Oil Boom Takes Hold on the Plains 9/28/2011
Storage, Biofuel Lead $156 Million in Energy Research Grants 9/30/2011
Pictures: X-Prize Contest Seeks a Better Oil Spill Cleanup Solution 10/6/2011
Illinois Team Wins Oil Spill X CHALLENGE 10/11/2011
Better Roads Pave The Way To Energy Savings 10/17/2011
Seeking a Pacific Northwest Gateway for U.S. Coal 10/20/2011
Two Rivers: The Chance to Export Power Divides Southeast Asia 10/26/2011
KPMG Captures Heat for Data Center Cooling 10/28/2011
Solyndra scandal fallout
Marine bubble curtain
With Record Oil Heating Prices Expected, Homes Dash to Gas 11/11/2011
Pictures: The Nuclear Cleanup Struggle at Fukushima 11/11/2011
Nigeria Solar Projects Yield Both Failure and Success 11/2/2011
natural gas and renewable energy : friends or foes?
IEA Outlook: Time Running Out on Climate Change 11/9/2011
Great Energy Challenge Grantees
Pictures: Twelve Car-Free City Zones 11/15/2011
Pictures: Amazing Transportation Inventions 11/23/2011
Chilean Wind Farm Faces Turbulence Over Whales 11/29/2011
With U.S. Natural Gas Booming, a Move to Send it Overseas 11/17/2011
Pictures: Top Energy Stories of 2011 12/1/2011
Pictures: Overlooked Energy Stories 2011 12/27/2011
Pictures: Hopeful Energy Stories 2011 12/28/2011
Beam It Down: A Drive to Launch Space-Based Solar 12/5/2011
Eight Ski Resorts That Give Green Energy a Lift 12/6/2011
Power Quest: Brazil Seeks to Wipe “Blackout” From the Lexicon 12/13/2011
Pictures: A River People Await an Amazon Dam 12/13/2011
Planting Wind Turbines on Farms May Help Crops 12/19/2011
philippines carbon 400
Pictures: Cars Capture Solar Energy in the Desert 12/20/2011
Pictures: Satellite Views of Canada’s Oil Sands Over Time 12/22/2011






Second Try: LanzaTech Grabs Biorefinery in the Georgia Pine 1/9/2012
Shale Gas: A Boon That Could Stunt Alternatives, Study Says 1/17/2012
Scavenging for Charcoal in the Rubbish of Manila 1/25/2012
Green Moves: Manila Cable Cars, San Francisco Parking Reform 1/25/2012
Pictures: Animals That Blocked Keystone XL Pipeline 1/29/2012
Iran’s Undisputed Weapon: Power to Block the Strait of Hormuz 2/6/2012
Interactive Strait of Hormuz 2/6/2012
Bubble Curtains: Can They Dampen Offshore Energy Sound for Whales? 2/7/2012
U.S. Oil Fields Stage “Great Revival,” But No Easing Gas Prices 2/10/2012
Amid U.S.-China Energy Tension, “Clean Coal” Spurs Teamwork 2/13/2012
Photos: A Rare Look Inside China’s Energy Machine 2/14/2012
Uganda dam 2/21/2012
Rhino vs Coal in Malaysia 2/23/2012
Spanish Solar Energy 2/28/2012
Estimates Clash for How Much Natural Gas in the United States 3/1/2012
Nigeria’s Rocky Effort to Wean Itself From Subsidized Fuel 3/7/2012
Pictures: A New Hub for Solar Tech Blooms in Japan 3/7/2012
Pictures: Immense, Elusive Energy in the Forces of Nature 3/8/2012
One Year After Fukushima, Japan Faces Shortages of Energy, Trust 3/9/2012
Solar Energy Brings Food, Water, and Light to West Africa 3/14/2012
Natural Gas A Weak Weapon Against Climate Change, New Study Asserts 3/14/2012
Pictures: In Hungary, Burning Money for Fuel–Literally 3/21/2012
BP Oil Spill’s Sticky Remnants Wash Up Sporadically On Gulf Beaches 3/22/2012
While Rare-Earth Trade Dispute Heats Up, Scientists Seek Alternatives 3/30/2012
Pictures: China’s Rare-Earth Minerals Monopoly 3/30/2012
With Gas Prices High, U.S. Refinery Closures Hit Workers and Drivers 4/4/2012
Growing Food Demand Strains Energy, Water Supplies 4/6/2012
Delhi Offers Cleaner Auto Rickshaws, but Residents Choose Cars 4/12/2012
Pictures: Nature Yields New Ideas for Energy and Efficiency 4/19/2012
Pictures: Ten New Studies Show Gulf Spill Impact 4/20/2012
Supercomputing Could Pave the Way to Energy-Efficient Engines 4/30/2012
British Columbia Rethinks Its Pioneering Carbon Tax 5/3/2012
Global Nuclear Retreat? Armenia, Others Aim to Keep Plants Alive 5/8/2012
Tiles May Help Shrink Carbon Footprint by Harnessing Pedestrian Power 5/11/2012
Amid Economic Concerns, Carbon Capture Faces a Hazy Future 5/22/2012
Pictures: Cars that Fueled Our Love-Hate Relationship With Fuel 5/24/2012
International Agency Calls For Natural Gas Safety 5/30/2012
Pictures: Solar Plane Poised for Intercontinental Flight 5/31/2012
Low-Cost Solar Brightens Lives in the Developing World 6/6/2012
Cities Bet They Can Curb Traffic With Games of Chance 6/15/2012
Fossil Fuel Subsidies–top 10 gallery 6/18/2012
Fossil fuel subsidies–global map 6/18/2012
New Natural Gas Wealth Means Historic Change for Israel 7/3/2012
As Squeeze Tightens on Iran, Fuel Prices–for Now–Reflect Calm 7/10/2012
Formula One Legend Murray Sets Course for Energy-Efficient Car Design 7/12/2012
Nuclear Restart Generates Power, Protest, in Japan 7/16/2012
Sizing Up Wind Energy: Bigger Means Greener, Study Says 7/20/2012
Coal Power Loses Its Luster in India as Costs Rise 7/24/2012
Pictures: London Leaps Hurdles in Green Olympic Games Bid 7/25/2012
Shell Scales Back 2012 Arctic Drilling Goals 7/31/2012
Pictures: India Power Outage Darkens Cities, Stops Trains 7/31/2012
India Power Outage Spotlights Energy Planning Failure 7/31/2012
China Drills Into Shale Gas, Targeting Huge Reserves Amid Challenges 8/8/2012
Largest U.S. Coal Ash Pond to Close, But Future Rules Still Undecided 8/9/2012
Record Heat, Drought Pose Problems for U.S. Electric Power 8/17/2012
Pictures: A Rare Look Inside Carmakers’ Drive for 55 MPG 8/17/2012
Pictures: Students Design Super-Efficient Cars in Eco-marathon 8/17/2012
Helix Collapse Fails to Crush Hope for Vertical Wind Turbines 8/20/2012
Pictures: World’s Worst Power Outages 8/21/2012
Isaac Drives Spike in U.S. Gas Prices Ahead of Labor Day Weekend 8/30/2012
Venezuelan Refinery Under Scrutiny After Deadly Blaze 8/30/2012
Drought Withers U.S. Corn Crop, Heats Debate on Ethanol 9/6/2012
Ocean Energy Teams Compete for $16 Million Scotland Prize 9/7/2012
Ice-Breaking: U.S. Oil Drilling Starts as Nations Mull Changed Arctic 9/10/2012
In Uganda, Villages Reap Benefits of “Machine” Energy 9/14/2012
Pictures: Seven Ingredients for Better Electric Car Batteries 9/14/2012
Pictures: Flying Wind Turbines Reach for High-Altitude Power 9/24/2012
Pictures: Eleven Electric Cars Charge Ahead, Amid Obstacles 9/28/2012
Coal-Fired Australia, Buffeted by Climate Change, Enacts Carbon Tax 10/4/2012
High Fuel Costs Spark Increased Use of Wood for Home Heating
Pictures: Five Most Hopeful Energy Stories of 2012
Pictures: Five Most Overlooked Energy Stories of 2012
Pictures: Eight Biggest Energy Stories of 2012
Who’s Watching? Privacy Concerns Persist as Smart Meters Roll Out
California Tackles Climate Change, But Will Others Follow?
Cuba’s Oil Quest to Continue, Despite Deepwater Disappointment
Oil Train Revival: Booming North Dakota Relies on Rail to Deliver Its Crude
Pictures: Bakken Shale Oil Boom Transforms North Dakota





Pictures: Errant Shell Rig Runs Aground Off Alaska 1/2/2013
Salt Power: Norway Project Gives Osmotic Energy a Shake 1/7/2013
Bikes and Buses Propel Mexico City to Prize in Sustainable Transport 1/16/2013
Attack at Algeria Gas Plant Heralds New Risks for Energy Development 1/18/2013
Biochar Cookstoves Boost Health for People and Crops 1/29/2013
Water Demand for Energy to Double by 2035 1/30/2013
Pictures: Super Bowl Caps Banner Season in NFL Green Drive 2/1/2013
What Caused the Super Bowl Blackout at the Superdome? 2/4/2013
Super Bowl Blackout: Was It Caused by Relay Device, or Human Error? 2/8/2013
Mexico’s Robust Wind Energy Prospects Ruffle Nearby Villages 2/8/2013
How Bold a Path on Climate Change in Obama’s State of the Union? 2/12/2013
Obama Pledges U.S. Action on Climate, With or Without Congress 2/12/2013
U.S. Gas Price Spike: Blame the Long Road From Well to Pump 2/25/2013
Megadam Project Galvanizes Native Opposition in Malaysia 2/27/2013
Hugo Chavez Leaves Venezuela Rich in Oil, But Ailing 3/6/2013
Keystone XL Pipeline Path Marks New Battle Line in Oklahoma 3/8/2013
As U.S. Cleans Its Energy Mix, It Ships Coal Problems Abroad 3/15/2013
The New Truck Stop: Filling Up With Natural Gas for the Long Haul 3/18/2013
Pictures: Unlocking Icy Methane Hydrates, Largest Fossil Energy Store 3/28/2013
Scientists Say Oil Industry Likely Caused Largest Oklahoma Earthquake 3/29/2013
Pictures: Arkansas Oil Spill Darkens Backyards, Driveways 4/1/2013
Health Questions Key to New York Fracking Decision, But Answers Scarce 4/1/2013
Oil Spill Spotlights Keystone XL Issue: Is Canadian Crude Worse? 4/5/2013
To Stem Fall in Oil Output, Alaska Seeks to Slash Industry Taxes 4/9/2013
Europe Carbon Market 4/18/2013
Aviation Efficiency 4/23/2013
Nanotech and Solar 4/29/2013
Light Bulb Labeling 4/30/2013
Pictures: Bolivia Seeks Economic Energy in Vast Lithium Stores 5/1/2013
Climate Milestone 400 ppm 5/10/2013
Mt. Everest biogas 5/15/2013
Wind Energy’s Shadow 5/16/2013
Tesla 5/22/2013
Pictures: Seven Energy-Smart Zoos and Aquariums 5/24/2013
Monterey Shale Shakes Up California’s Energy Future 5/28/2013
Monterey Shale photo gallery 5/28/2013
Five Surprising Facts About Energy Poverty 5/29/2013
First “Small Modular” Nuclear Reactors Planned for Tennessee 6/5/2013
What’s Behind the New Warning on Global Carbon Emissions? 6/11/2013
Whisky a Go Go: Can Scotland’s Distillery Waste Boost Biofuels? 6/14/2013
Electrofuels: Charged Microbes May “Poop Out” a Gasoline Alternative 6/17/2013
Obama Unveils Climate Change Strategy: End of Line for U.S. Coal Power 6/25/2013
Five Reasons for Obama to Sell Climate Change as a Health Issue 6/25/2013
Global Renewable Energy on Track to Soon Eclipse Natural Gas, Nuclear 6/26/2013
Beyond Ethanol: Drop-In Biofuels Squeeze Gasoline From Plants 6/26/2013
Too Much Wind Energy? Save It Underground in Volcanic Rock Reservoirs 7/2/2013
Sand Rush: Fracking Boom Spurs Rush on Wisconsin Silica 7/3/2013
Solar Impulse’s U.S. Mission Ends This Weekend 7/6/2013
Oil Train Tragedy in Canada Spotlights Rising Crude Transport by Rail 7/8/2013
Coal-Burning Shortens Lives in China, New Study Shows 7/8/2013
IEA Report Offers Prescription to Ease Urban Transit Congestion 7/10/2013
Fracking Wastewater Disposal Linked to Remotely Triggered Quakes 7/11/2013
Florida Blasts Away Old Power Plant to Make Way for New 7/16/2013
California Keeps Its Energy Cool in Summer Scorcher 7/17/2013
nigeria oil theft
Bolivia chose hydro over solar, but now the water is drying up
Six Stealthy Energy Hogs: Are They Lurking in Your Home?
Panda Poop Might Help Turn Plants Into Fuel
Supercapacitors Amp Up as an Alternative to Batteries
ivanpah video
As Coal Plants Shut Down, United Kingdom Faces a Power Crunch
In Kulluk’s Wake, Deeper Debate Roils on Arctic Drilling
Japan Solar Energy Soars, But Grid Needs to Catch Up
Latest Radioactive Leak at Fukushima: How Is It Different?
Boston Tops Ranking of Energy-Efficient U.S. Cities
Colorado Flooding Imperils Oil and Gas Sites, Causes Spill
Montana bakken “dark side” of the oil boom
As Arctic Melts, a Race to Test Oil Spill Cleanup Technology
Opinion: We Sued the Oil Industry So New Orleans Can Survive




Electric Cars Hit Milestone With First Grand Prix Race Ahead 1/5/2014
Pictures: Ford Solar Car at CES 2014 and Past Sun-Power Vehicles 1/9/2014
Five Energy Innovations from the Detroit Auto Show 1/16/2014
Illinois Village Leads Charge for Tougher Oil Train Rules 1/17/2014
Study: Planning Can Protect Whales in Seismic Energy Surveys 1/21/2014
Q&A: How Much is U.S. to Blame for “Made-in-China” Pollution? 1/22/2014
Has Obama Kept Promises on Climate of Last State of the Union? 1/28/2014
Propane Shortages Leave Many U.S. Homeowners in the Cold 1/29/2014
Keeping Super Bowl Lights On: An Extra Line, Generators in Place 1/30/2014
Can Natural Gas Bring Back U.S. Factory Jobs? 1/31/2014
3 Factors Shape Obama’s Decision on Keystone XL Pipeline 1/31/2014
Super Bowl’s Green Stadiums: MetLife and Others Tackle Energy Efficiency 2/1/2014
Sochi Powers Up: Bringing Energy to Site an Olympic Feat 2/7/2014
Germany Plans to Raze Towns for Brown Coal and Cheap Energy 2/11/2014
Laser Facility Blasts Way to Fusion First 2/12/2014
Keystone XL Pipeline: 4 Animals and 3 Habitats in Its Path 2/14/2014
Five Striking Concepts for Harnessing the Sea’s Power 2/20/2014
Hotels Save Energy With a Push to Save Water 2/24/2014
Electric Cars Alone Won’t Drive a Drop in U.S. Emissions: Study 2/25/2014
Scientists: Global Warming Likely to Surpass 2°C Target 2/27/2014
Atlantic Seismic Tests for Oil: Marine Animals at Risk? 2/28/2014
Russia Raises Natural Gas Threat Against Ukraine 3/3/2014
California Drought Dries Up Hydro, But Power Stays On 3/11/2014
East Harlem Explosion Highlights Risk of Natural Gas Leaks 3/12/2014
10 U.S. Cities With High Natural Gas Leak Risk 3/14/2014
Green Fracking? 5 Technologies for Cleaner Shale Energy 3/19/2014
North American Natural Gas Seeks Markets Overseas 3/20/2014
Clean Coal Test: Power Plants Prepare to Capture Carbon 3/31/2014
Fukushima Return: At Nuclear Site, How Safe is “Safe?” 4/2/2014
Fuel Cells Power Up: Three Surprising Places Where Hydrogen Energy Is Working 4/3/2014
Coast Guard Blames Shell Risk-Taking in Kulluk Rig Accident 4/4/2014
New Energy Frontier: Drilling Into Coal for Gas 4/8/2014
Nigerians Face Fuel Shortages in the Shadow of Plenty 4/11/2014